Capacitors | Start Capacitors | PFC Capacitors | Oil Filled Capacitors

Capacitor, a passive electrical component that stores electricity,plays a key role in major appliances we use in our day to day life. Even though, its applications ease our lives, the costs associated with replacements and repairs of capacitors empty our pockets. To help you prevent this, we’ve briefed the working process of capacitors to let you know how to use your appliances carefully.

The start capacitor creates a rotating magnetic field by altering the current to AC induction motor’s winding to increase the speed of motor starting torque and stays in the circuit till the motor reaches 75% of the full speed.

The oil in the high power/voltage oil-filled capacitors used to remove any air voids and heat from the windings to keep it cool always, displaces air to prevent corrosion and prevent destructive corona. 

With unique explosion proof design, Tibcon designs and manufactures most reliable PFC capacitors that can withstand high temperatures.


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